Image: individual "Open Form Pavilion of Air" works which are tesselated in a suitable open space to create the gesamt Pavilion Field audiowork - accessible via Echoes app
Duration variable.
Specific installation area: approximately 9-10 hectares (± 300m x 300m)
Comprising works from the pan-European Open Form Pavilion of Air series (15 sites across 9 countries)
Launches & events with European festivals include: Venice Biennale (IT), Vorspiel CTM/Transmediale Berlin (DE), New Music Dublin (IRL), Sounds from A Safe Harbour Festival (IRL), Struer Tracks (DK), Lofoten Art Open (NO) Open City Europe and the Open House London (UK), Open House Bergen (NO) & Open House Dublin (IRL) Festivals.
Try a private test version of Pavilion Field Sydney in the Domain Philips Precinct. This test version comprises a section of the Dublin Open Form Pavilion of Air. It's easy to acces, just:
1. Download the Echoes app
2. Grab a mobile phone & headphones
3. Download the audiowork in the app (not a browser) using the link or QR code, download it to your phone & open while in the Domain Philips Precinct (northern central area, opposite AGNSW)