Berlevåg Åpen Form Paviljong av Luft
Audiowork / Soundwalk accessible via Echoes app
Duration variable.
Specific installation area: 40m long x 40m wide
Located at Berlevåg Havne, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - located outside Kvitbrakka AIR & Berlevåg Havnemuseum
Developed 2022/3, following 2021 residency at Kvitbrakka AIR
Launch: 12 October 2023
Part of the pan-European Open Form Pavilion of Air series (15 locations across 9 countries)
The Pavilion is easy to access, just:
1. Download the Echoes app
2. Grab a mobile phone & headphones
3. Download the audiowork in the app (not a browser) using the link or QR code, save it to your phone so then its ready to open when at the location/between Kvitbrakka & Berlevåg Havnemuseum