Climata / Sculpting Air

Concert derived from material on Climata double album & installation

Presented in quadraphonic or stereo Tech rider:
- 2 or 4 channel PA with 18" subwoofers
- 12 channel mixing desk with 2 sweepable parametric EQs per channel, preferably Allen & Heath (e.g. A&H Mixwizard 12)

Climata also had a fourth presentation outcome as an interactive sound atlas

2017 APRA Art Music Awards Finalist - Climata, a performance, installation and recording project:
"The sheer ambition from concept and labour required for realisation to the multi-faceted nature of this project are impressive enough. The cogent sonic aesthetic of the presentation and expanding possibility of sound art in public places challenges audiences to think in a different way."

A powerfully physical concert using little more than air and the context behind a series of unique locations, yielding results ranging from meditative to building-shaking.

Climata is comprised entirely of site-specific recordings captured in 15 of American light artist James Turrell’s Skyspaces across 9 countries. Turrell’s Skyspaces are specifically proportioned chambers with an opening in the ceiling through which one can view the sky.Recorded one note at a time, the 200 recordings across 15 locations use a unique process to create a movement between each Skyspace’s interior and exterior – in effect, making the air in these spaces audible. 

"To hear them is to know they were very definitely recorded in a large room, sure enough, your brain starts to conjure the space as you listen." – New York Times

This project was a finalist in the Australiasian Performing Rights Association's 2017 Art Music Award for Excellence in Experimental Music. Hear the abum via Bandcamp

Previous quadraphonic concert presentations:
- Larry Sitsky Recital Hall, Canberra, Australia, 2018
- National Sculpture Factory, Ireland for Cork Midsummer Festival 2017
- Art Chapel, Amsterdam, April 2017
- Palazzo Grassi Teatrino, Venice, October 2016
- Soma Contemporary Art Gallery, Waterford, Ireland, 2016
- Kolonia Artystów, Gdansk, Poland, 2016

Previous stereo concert presentations:
- Kraftwerk Berlin, Maerzmusik / The Long Now 2016
- Triskel Christchurch, Cork 2016 (opening for Stars of the Lid)
- Rhiz, Vienna, Austria 2016
- O', Milan, Italy, 2016
- LAS, Poznañ, Poland, 2016
- Mozg, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
- Open Ear Festival, Sherkin Island, Ireland, 2017
- FIX performance biennale, Belfast, 2017